tisdag 26 november 2013

Utvärderning av återvinning arbete - Slöjd

Jag valde att använda mig av en skjorta för detta återvinnings arbetet. Skjortan hade legat i min garderob och jag tänkte att när jag ändå inte använder den kan jag göra om den till något jag kommer använda.

Skjortan jag använde mig var köpt på Gina Tricot. Den var längre i ryggen och därför började jag med att klippa av det och jämna ut det med framsidan. Efter att jag klippte av det jag inte ville ha, fick jag sy upp det. Nästa steg var att klippa av ärmarna på skjortan. Efter att jag hade gjort det använde jag mig av en mall till en tjocktröja för att sedan klippa ut ärmar och luva. Till det använde jag mig av mjukistyg. Efter att jag sydde ihop och sydde på ärmarna och luvan med raksöm började jag med muddarna. När jag var klar med det kollade jag så att allting var rätt och att inte trådar hängde vid sömmarna.

Att återvinna kläder man inte använder är att bra sätt att hjälpa till med att rädda miljön. Kläder och textiler är inte det ända man kan använda till återvinning. I princip allt går att återvinna, t.ex glasburkar, gamla däck, lampor, bord, klockor och så många fler saker. Och man behöver inte återvinna bara en sak åt gången som jag i detta fallet gjorde eftersom jag använde mig av ett nytt tyg. Jag kunde istället använt mig av en gammal tröja jag redan hade i min garderob.

Att återvinna kläder är inte det ända man kan göra för miljön. Man kan t.ex istället för att ta bussen till stan cykla. Eller köpa mindre kläder och inte slänga så mycket av de kläderna man inte använder utan då återvinna de eller lägga de på speciella ställen som sedan skickar kläderna till fattiga människor i t.ex Afrika.

onsdag 6 november 2013

We know where you live - fortsättning på texten

Emma decides to talk to her teacher about it. She knows people will make fun of her because of that but she just can't stand it anymore. She is scared because she doesn't know if they are just joking about it or if they seriously are thinking about hurting her.  Either way, she couldn't handle it anymore.

- It was something you wanted to talk about Emma? Her teacher asked.
- Yeah, i've been recently getting those text from a anonymous person, Emma answered.
- What does those text's say? Do they threaten you? the teacher asked with a worried voice.
- Yes, it is text's like " we know were you live " and " we are going to hurt you ".
- You have to tell the police about this. They can actually hurt you, and we don't want that, the teacher quickly answered.
- Yeah, i guess so. But... Emma hesitated.
- No doubts, we are calling them right now! the teacher said strictly.

After school Emmas mum came and picked her up. They were on they way to the police station where Emma had to answer a few of questions about the text's.  About a hour later when Emma had answered all of the questions she gave her phone to the police officer. Finally she would get to know who was sending those horrible text's.

She waited for about half an hour at the police station but it was worth it, because now she knew who was sending those texts. It was Rachels current best friend and her name was Maddie. The police had already called her parents and their school. But Emma knew what she had to do. She had to call Rachel.

As soon as she got her phone back from the police she saw a bunch of text's from Rachel. She started to read all of them.
" I am so sorry, I did not knew Maddie was the one sending those text's i swear! "
" Please call me when you see this, I am so sorry "
" I was such a bad friend, will you ever forgive me? "

Emma's mum told her that they were allowed to go home now. So Emma took her things and walked to the car. She knew you had to drive pass Rachel's house to get home and asked her mum if she could drop her of there. Emma now knew she didn't had to worry about those text's anymore and also that she had her best friend back.

ask her out - fortsärrning

Mark was fifteen minutes early for his date. He was really nervous and didn’t want to keep Jessica waiting for him. He was dressed in a grey hoodie and jeans with a pair of red converse. 

After about 5 minutes he decides to sit down. He sends a text to Gary telling him about how nervous he is. Gary answers pretty quick telling him not to worry and that everything is going to be alright. 

A few minutes later Mark sees a girl with long blonde hair a bit away. She was wearing jean shorts and a tank top whit a quote on it. On her left shoulder there was a brown bag. It was Jessica and she was on her way to Mark.  They greeted each other and sat down at a table. 

After about 25 minutes Jessica had to go, her dance practice started in 5 minutes. She gave Mark a hug and looked at him.

- This was a lot of fun, we should do it again! Maybe on Wednesday? Jessica said.
- Yeah it was, and Wednesday sounds great! 
- Cool, see you at 1 pm here! Bye! 
- Sure, bye!

Jessica walked away and Mark just could not quit smiling. He was so happy!