torsdag 19 mars 2015

Engelska bokcirkel

Creative Connector
The book really made me think about the families of murderers and rapist, or even other people who's done something bad in life and have been blamed for it. Most times the only person who does something is the offender and most times like in the book the family and friends of the person do not have a clue about what’s going on. The only person who did something bad in the book was Gav, he murdered and raped five women. Then why do the people in the city blame his family for something they had no clue about. Nobody forces a criminal to rape or kill someone, they do it with their own will. It’s exactly like rasism, we blame not only the person who did the wrong thing but also the family or the people of ”the same kind” like the criminal. Gav’s family had nothing to do with the murderers, so why drag everyone over an edge when in fact they were very good people. We often jump to conclusions and without knowing much about others beside the criminal we judge the entire group, family or race. It’s awful and it has to stop!

Character tracer
Mrs Parish or earlier Mrs Ward, Glen’s mother is a woman around her 40 i believe. The whole situation has been really hard on her and I bet she hates all of it. With all of the media chasing her and her family it must be ever worse. The media does not really care about her feelings of Mrs Parish but only about the attention the papers she writes for gets. I bet Mrs Parish was a happy woman with barely any problems, but when Gav got blamed for the murders and rapes her live must have turn up side down. She seems like a very put together woman and this whole situation must be hell for her. 

Discussion leader
 How did you like the book?
Did you expect the book to end like it did?
What was the most negative moment in the book, in your opinion?
What age group would you recommend this book for?
If you could change anything in the book, what would it be?

Glen and his classmates travel to the city glen and his family escaped from. They visit a museum where this one girl recognizes glen and calls minnie cooper, the journalist. Minnie get’s to the museum quick pretending to be a visitor at the museum. 

The same night glen and his classmates are outside playing in the snow. Glen finds Minnie Cooper freezing outside and helps her to get warm. Later they go to the hospital to get help and Minnie tells Glen that she will no longer continue her story about glens brother who killed and raped 5 girls but will instead write a story about the brave boy who saved her life. 

( I already knew most of the words in the book so i actually only found seven words to translate and write sentences with)

1. Eternity - Evighet
You have been in there for an eternity. 

2. Desolation - Förödelse
It is still a picture of desolation and danger for those people.

3. Tabloids - Kvällspressen
You can't trust the tabloids!

4. Reckoned - Räknat med
I've reckoned you would come.

5. Scorcher - Stekhet dag
Monday was a scorcher!

6. Haulier - Åkare
Have you seen the haulier lately?

7. Razor wire - Rakbladstråd
What is the razor wire doing on the floor?

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